2022-2023 Multiregional Classes – Sherbrooke
7$/classe - (actual value: 20$)
Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré, 250, rue du Dépôt, Sherbrooke
Charles Brecard
March 6 to 10, 2023, 9:00 to 11:00 am

© Olivia Nguyen
Charles Brecard has developed a practice that challenges the body, the mind, and the soul. His class stems from years of experimentation and training in street, traditional, modern, and contemporary dance. Inspired by biomechanics, psychology, and philosophy, he offers a systemic vision beyond esthetic form.
The goals are extreme control and extreme fluidity. You will be guided through isolation exercises, footwork, floorwork, rhythm work and technical combinations foregrounding discovery, failure, and play, as well as awareness of self and others. You will develop your coordination, proprioception, endurance, and joint mobility.
Although exploration is a fundamental part of this practice, the class focuses on technical, functional, and kinesthetic notions. The aim is for you to find and strengthen new creative and expressive pathways, to make your spine, your centre, and your extremities more fluid and more connected, and to tend to a state of flow to better live in the present moment.
About Charles
Charles Brecard graduated from the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM) in 2013. As a performer, he has collaborated with several artists and companies including Parts+Labour_Danse, Grand Poney and Skeels Danse. His choreography is deeply physical and poetic, with an activist touch. His received an award for best performance in 2021 for his solo Soliloguy. He works in Canada and abroad as a cultural worker and teacher in festivals (Quartiers Danses, Sinedomo, DansEncorps) and schools (EDCM, Centre culturel Tjibaou, Concordia University).
The Regroupement québécois de la danse’s multiregional classes in Sherbrooke are offered in collaboration with the Sursaut Dance Company. They are made possible thanks to financial support from the government of Quebec and Compétence Culture, the Sectoral Workforce Committee responsible for Culture.