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Controlling the media of a scenic work with Isadora software: introduction

9:00AM to 5:00PM

Eastern Bloc, 53 and 55, Louvain West Street, #480, Montréal


Pre-registration required

This 21-hour, three-day group training course introduces you to the use of Isadora software. This application, designed by Armando Menicacci and Nicolas Berzi of Montreal-based Scènes Interactives Technologiques (SIT), interactively manages digital media (video, sound, light, sensors) in real time.

You’ll learn about the program, the interface and the programming possibilities for creating and controlling the control room, video mapping, lighting and sensors. You’ll also learn about Isadora’s teleperformance and live webcasting features, which enable remote performers to work together, in audio and video, synchronized within the same image, while broadcasting the result live on any web platform.

Vous pourrez également parcourir les toutes nouvelles fonctionnalités de téléperformance et de webdiffusion en direct via Isadora, codéveloppées par TROIKATRONIX (Berlin) et le Studio Sit (Montréal), qui permettent que des interprètes distants puissent évoluer ensemble, en audio et en vidéo, synchronisés au sein de la même image, tout en diffusant en direct le résultat sur n’importe quelle plateforme web.


Individual support

At the end of the group training session, you can take advantage of at least an hour and a half (1.5 hours) of individual coaching to help you master the software’s functions. You’ll also receive a one-month professional license, enabling you to explore and experiment with the software in depth, at your own pace.



  • Identify and understand the different functionalities of Isadora software.
  • Identify the creative possibilities offered by the software, using concrete examples.
  • Learn to use the software for creative purposes and as an interactive management tool.

Who can benefit from this training?

Artists, designers, technicians and other professionals in dance, theater and the independent arts who are just starting out in the creation of a work that incorporates digital technologies.


Material required

A laptop. You can also bring an external video monitor and a midi interface if you have them.



Photo Armando Menicacci © JBouchez

 © JBouchez

Armando Menicacci is an artist, researcher and teacher in the visual arts, dance and new media. His work takes the form of plastic, performative and editorial productions revolving around the relationship between the arts, expressive corporeity and technology. He holds a PhD on the relationship between contemporary dance and digital technologies (Paris 8), where he founded and directed the Médiadanse laboratory between 1999 and 2009.

Professor in UQAM’s Dance Department between 2015 and 2019, he set up the Dance and Technology program there, while directing, between 2017 and 2019, the first research axis of the Hexagram strategic grouping around questions of performativity, embodiment in interface with digital technologies.

He is a founding member of UQAM’s Laboratoire LAVI (Laboratoire Arts Vivants Interdisciplinaires), funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and dedicated to research-creation in dance at the crossroads of science, technology and health.



This training program, offered by the Regroupement québécois de la danse, in collaboration with the Conseil de la formation continue Arts et culture de l’Île-de-Montréal (CFC), the Regroupement de pairs des arts indépendants de recherche et d’expérimentation (Repaire) and the Conseil québécois du théâtre (CQT), is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Quebec government, through the Intervention-Compétences program administered by Compétence Culture.

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