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Stage intensif — Body Action avec Francisco Córdova

9h00 à 12h00
15$/jour [membres] — 30$/jour [non-membres]

Maison pour la danse, Québec

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Cet atelier s’adresse aux bougeur·se·s expérimenté·e·s (danse • cirque • arts martiaux • etc.)Ce stage est déployé en collaboration avec le Conseil de la culture.
Inscription → À venir sur perfectionnement.culture-quebec.qc.ca/formations

It is a training based on the construction of physical actions. It makes the participant move from a common language and not from common dance codes. It decodes and de-structures the established and predetermined languages of the dance. The class is a representation of control and physical intuition, its purpose is to create states: physical, mental and even emotional, from physicality. It takes the body to its maximum capacities with a degree of risk controlled by the body. It directs the students to find the truth in their bodies and to make contact with their own way of moving, to take information in according to their intuition.

The class is an experiential learning.


Francisco Córdova 

Master in Theater Studies and Stage Direction and Master in Stage Lighting by the Institute of Theater in Barcelona, Spain. Graduated in Contemporary Dance from the National School of Classic and Contemporary Dance in Mexico. He studied in Montreal, Canada, with the Le Jeune Ballet du Québec Company, and in New York, USA, with Ballet Hispánico. Direct student of the techniques of David Zambrano.

Francisco Córdova directs the company PHYSICAL MOMENTUM, where he is Currently celebrating eleven years of creative career; in parallel he also directs the International Festival ATLAS and the Training Program Movement Techniques in Mexico and Barcelona. Since 2006 he has been developing his methodological proposals Body-Action and The Physical Action as a Scenic Construction, which he has taught through workshops in several companies, festivals and international art centers in Europe, Asia and Latin America.